jeudi 2 juillet 2015

Why hoy gising?

"Hoy gising" comes from a daily broadcast of ABC CBN.
It was very nice at that time, 1998-2000, to watch that everyday. (No other choice, anyway, no cable installed in my place at that time). The country was in great move and I appreciated a lot.
I have not the same impression now.
Question development it's very slow now and the country seems to be sleeping and even regressing.
For my concern, more and more problems.
- Security is not so well as before. More and more security guards and I don't think it's a real good solution.
- All villages around mine are closed and when you use a bicycle you cannot go through.
- Traffic is more and more terrible.
- Air pollution is terrible.
- More and more papers for everything and particularly to stay as tourist a long time here (you need clearance after 6 months stay in the Philippines and it will take you one day to get it, you must present yourself in Immigration Bureau) or to get water in your house.
- The country is not organised not computerized in all domains but you have to renew your stickers for your car every year, same for your license every 2 years, now every 3 years.
- People growth is too high, it's not good for the country and its economy. All Filipinos dream to work in a foreign country and leave their own country.

mercredi 1 juillet 2015

Environnement, développement durable, enseignement, technologie

21 ans aux Philppines, et oui !
18 ans à l'École française de Manille, que de bons souvenirs !

J'ai cru qu'en quittant l'école, je devrais quitter aussi les Philippines, eh bien, non.
Depuis mon départ de l'école, je n'ai pas cessé de chercher à me rendre utile, à agir, à ne pas rester inactif, je me suis adressé à des ONG, je me propose pour des coups de main, je suis parfois commissionnaire, peut-être, je pourrais œuvrer dans la représentation d'entreprises étrangères.
Au départ, je me suis proposé de rassembler sur un site toutes les réflexions que j'ai menées à l'école avec les élèves, les étoffer, les développer.
Rendez vous sur ce site, un forum auquel vous pouvez participer : 

Forum Environnement Développement durable Technologies

Un site plus commercial :  

Santé, business sur Internet, technologies, enseignement

Le même site, les mêmes articles mais en plus courts :  

Santé et business sur Internet (allégé)

Je vous invite à découvrir sur ces sites web mes thèmes de prédilection :

santé, environnement, nouvelles technologies, enseignement, Internet et ses applications, blog, e-business, etc.

Bonne visite.

Une autre visite : Expat Blog

Quelques regrets

Je regrette de publier certains articles en anglais et d'autres en français, il me faudrait mettre en ligne 2 blogs bien que je sache que mes lecteurs peuvent utiliser
pour passer d'une langue à l'autre.
Je regrette aussi de n'avoir ni la fibre artistique ni la fibre commerciale car les idées ne manquent pas, mais je ne peux pas les mettre en œuvre. 
Sorry if I publish some articles in french and other in english.
But always you can use to translate from one to the other : 
I am also sorry because I am not artist or commercial. I just have ideas but cannot realize them.

Transportation in the Philippines

Unfortunately I have to say it's worse and worse.
I really don't understand.
I hate tricycle, jeepney and banca. In the beginning I was surprised and and found them imaginative, original, funny but now maybe because of age and some physical limitations I cannot stand to use them mostly no other choice.
It was even better before if I compare year 1995 with now example Batangas to Sabang Puerto Galera, we could chose between ferry, Si-Kat, Blue Eagle and banca.
Now only banca, and recently a ferry Calixta Aqua Real.

I regret that situation.
These vehicles are dangerous, unconfortable and not adapted to the traffic or to navigate for the banca.
I hope it will change !